Emergencies can and usually do happen when you least expect them, and many times, they occur on the weekend or after regular business hours. To respond to emergencies for our customers, ATS has a 24/7 emergency answering service that coordinates with our on-call technicians to respond to any after-hours issues that may occur.
At ATS, service means listening to you, the customer, and what you want. As an independent systems integrator, we carry a wide variety of systems. When it comes to service, we will work on almost any system, whether we carry it or not. If it’s not one of our systems, we will make every attempt to troubleshoot and resolve the issues you may be having. We believe in the simple truth of setting real expectations. If we don’t have any experience with the system you have, we will tell you. Our team will work diligently to communicate with you up front so you know what’s happening. We take a long-term view of working with you and look forward to serving your building automation needs for years to come.
ATS offers a variety of service options supporting environmental controls, security, and monitoring systems. In addition to our 24/7/365 service support, we can provide a range of preventative maintenance packages, remote support capabilities, and device replacement to meet our customer’s needs.
Our services include:
- Energy Solutions
- Energy Audits
- Energy Management Systems
- Building Automation
- Building Security Systems
- Temperature Controls
- HVAC Controls
- Specifications Consulting
- System Design
- Engineering and Drafting
- Software and Device Installation
- Programming
- Graphics
- CAD Drawings
- Commissioning
- Technical Service Agreements
- 24x7x365 Maintenance, Resale Parts Ordering, Service Support
For information regarding preventative maintenance and support agreements, visit Support Services or contact an ATS representative to learn how we customize support plans for each facility.