Keeping Kentucky Building’s Safer

Though ECT Services works with customers throughout the country, and beyond, we do consider ourselves a local business to Louisville, Kentucky. Taking care of our local economy, and making sure the infrastructure in place remains not only safe, but forward-thinking, is important to us.
When our founders started ECT Services, they were looking to help companies manage their energy usage. Hence, ECT stands for Energy Conservation Techniques. That mission and purpose continues today through our current team.
To that end, I’m pleased to have been asked to serve on Greater Louisville Inc. (GLI)‘s Energy and Environment Committee. The purpose of the meeting is to work with the Commonwealth to update our statutes regarding building codes. In essence, our codes are about 12 years behind update.
Why does this matter, you ask?
There’s a clear economic impact to our local business community when our building codes are not current. It’s led to companies selecting other nearby cities such as Nashville, Cincinnati and Indianapolis when deciding where to put their offices.
This committee will do the work needed to get to Kentucky to to review for updates to building codes and clear the roadblocks for economic development.
I believe in the opportunity we have to get Kentucky on track with building codes and I’m honored to be a part of this new, important committee.