ECT is still here for your building needs through COVID19
Here at ECT, like all companies, we are paying close attention to the CDC recommendations as well as the Governor of Kentucky’s rules and regulations as we continue to move through this pandemic.
Our business is still open, though we’ve made necessary updates to our workflow.
For employee safety, when we are interacting with our own team, we are giving space, staying 6 feet apart.
For some of our customers, their everyday rules and regulations mandate we must have two people on any part of a job at any time, for safety and liability. We are following this rule and staying apart from each other as best we can.
Our team is using latex gloves on all projects, and, of course, is not shaking hands.
A lot of what we are doing right now is servicing buildings while they are closed. We follow all guidelines set forth by those buildings. We have several projects for JCPS we are working on now, while there are no people in the buildings and this will insure that when school reopens, all systems are “go.” We’re doing all scheduled service calls, checking systems and updating where necessary. Rest assured, we use disinfectant on all devices before and after touching them. Because we are dealing with biometrics in many cases (such as fingerprints) we are especially careful.
We view all of this as necessary work, and safer while there are no students or employees in these buildings. We want to keep our customers up and running.
Most interaction with our customers has gone virtual and we are happy to meet via video chat with any facilities managers out there having issues. You want to be sure your HVAC and security systems are running as they should, protecting your building and company from all sides.
If you need sales or service, our people are remote and available. For more information:
For sales, please call (800) 567-1180 or email
For service, please call (800) 567-1180 or email
Stay healthy, everyone!